Heavily optioned Coronet. A true hardtop. https://losangeles.craigslist.org/lgb/cto/d/long-beach-1975-dodge-coronet-brougham/6818965194.html
I think it needs way too much for that kinda price. Not a popular enough body style to have people knocking down the door to look at it. It's been on craigslist before and didn't sell. I might be interested at 2500 but find I'm cheap and usually undervalue so seller might actually see 3500 from someone else.
Yeah agreed. It’s kinda rough for that kinda money. You’d have to be a true Mopar person that really wants that model of Coronet to round out a collection.
Agreed. Opera/quarter windows were certainly all the rage by ‘75 in almost all lines of at least Ford and GM. ‘74 for GM and Ford certainly all in with the ‘75 LTD redesign. Mercury and Chrysler seem to be the hold outs, at least in the big cars for 4 window operations.
The dorky interior pattern, trunk clutter and Goober wheels on one side of the car are likely doing a good job scaring off even dedicated Mopar persons. He'd at least have a slim chance of getting that kind of money, had the car a red leather interior and was tidy'd up for display
Common sense, like manners and etiquette are in alarming short supply these days. I agree the wheels and roof rack, along with the trunk shot are not this cars finest glam shots.