Isn't Missouri outside of the Rustbelt? I would still like to see the undercarriage, before placing a bid, despite it being a typical elderly person's car. That reminds me of some of the cars I used to run across. But, back then, they were more the Plymouth Valiant types
It should be rust free, Missouri is outside of the "rust belt" but they have a lot of gravel roads that can do almost as much damage as road salt. It is a typical last new car purchase of the era, more upscale brand than a Chevy, Ford, or Plymouth. But very low option level. It does have the 2.8 liter V6 and automatic trans, but not much else. Seller states it does not have A/C installed. I don't know if that means it never had A/C or it was removed? No A/C in the hot Humid summers of Missouri will be a hard sell, even at the sellers reasonable asking price for the condition. These were not well loved cars then or now. With the exception of the X-11 & SD models there is very little collector market for them, I never liked any of the automatic 80-85 X body renta cars I was forced to drive in the era.
This is weirdly worded: Most people would just say that the car does not have A/C. But he says it doesn't have it installed, which makes it sound like it was there but was removed. Restoring A/C to such a car would be much easier than adding it to one that never had it, which you probably wouldn't do with this car, anyway. Unfortunately, he doesn't show a shot of the engine nor a good-enough photo of the dash to let us see the HVAC controls.
I see it does have a Tilt Wheel, but not even a passenger side rear view mirror, or bumper rub strips. So it would not surprise me if the car did not have A/C as an option. Also I see Manual Rack and Pinion steering was standard, so this car may or may not have power steering, but I bet it does if the original owner was a retiree.
A local 84 listed with 30k miles and price wise USD comparable. "If'" I was into a grandma car, I'd go for this one. Either or, both very NON exciting cars..........