The height of late disco era gaudiness. Car equivalent of a leisure suit.
I don't care, I like 'em. I had an '80 T-bird, was quite comfy, loaded, Porno Red leather inside, white outside. I crashed it, unfortunately; I'd likely still have it if I hadn't done it in.
302 and AOD. I think if I were to re-paint this I would try to subdue the scheme a bit, but apparently they did not feel the same way. Has TRX wheels with silver overspray on those expensive metric tires. What is up with the stupid cheap license plate they slapped on the front? I don't hate this body style like most, but for the $13k they are asking (which, I'm not a Mustang fan, but you can buy a very nice low mileage fox body Mustang for less than that) there are a lot of other cars I would buy first.
It looks dodgy. This paint sceme doesen't look original, not only because they painted over the rubber bumper strip
We've seen this seller, a dealer, many times. He must sell his cars for something close to what he asks as he keeps the cars coming. He couldn't stay in business if he wasn't selling something. Agreed that the paint scheme is as ugly as sin.
Reading his text, I believe he may sell most/all of his cars on consignment. I have yet to see a car posted by them that wasn't greatly overpriced in my opinion.
This is how the trim should look up front and rear, and yes the horid colour combo is legit. One below has the metric 15" rims I had a 80 T-Bird, all in that burnt orange or what ever Ford called it. The colour itself is really nice but the 2 tone on this Cougar wrecks it IMO. Similar to my 80 T-Bird in solid colour......... minus performance
I hate to say it folks, but I had a neighbor about 2 or 3 years ago that had a twin to this thing. A twin. Same colors, year and V8. And it was in pretty good original shape. Wouldn't it be something if this car was the New Mexico car now living in FLA? Maybe, but I never seen it with original type wheels. Always had basket wires on it. Maybe that's why it has TRX's? Wouldn't that be something?
TRX tires are ridiculously expensive for what they are though. The rim diameter is 390mm (15.35") and I would guess that nobody anywhere stocks them so you would have to special order them. They actually make an aftermarket version of the wheel in a standard 16" so you can run standard tires (tyres?) on the same style wheel. Stupid metric system.
Well, in this instance, it's not the Metric System's fault, because 390mm, no matter what your justification, is an odd size anyway. If the person who decided the wheel size had picked 380mm, 15" tires would be able to fit those wheels with no restrictions. It's simply the case of a manufacturer ensuring only their tires could be installed. Don't get me wrong, I love that design, it was very unique back then, but I think someone needs one of these wheels bounced upside their head.
I didn't spec out the tire size for the cars. Their goal was not to make a metric tire that could be used on regular inch sized rims, but to make a completely metric tire because the metric system was going to take over in the U.S. Obviously they failed. Then they repeated a similar failure years later with the PAX tire.
I hated to say it, because these colors are not exactly complimentary for this car. For example, when I was younger, I knew a girl that had one of these in black and silver along the same lines of the two tone, and it was quite fetching for a small Cougar.