I'm usually wary of car lots. But, this one looks tempting. Nice color combo and interesting seat patterns
Engine appears to be a Windsor, by the shape of the driver's valve cover and the angle at which the oil cap sits on the cover.
Well it's no Cleveland, 73 was the last year for that. Looks so much better with buckets and console, but the 2 tone never did it for me. I like, always liked Fords dark brown/saddle, whatever colour they called it, but not the tan History of the Cougar, according to me.................................. 67/68, The cougar, a sleek car that ate nothing but deer meat and rabbits............. 69/70, Dear and rabbit must have been plentiful as the cougar started to look plump, getting a bit wider at the hips but still could catch deer and rabbits..... 71/72, the cougar stooped eating dear and rabbits because it found fast food, McDonalds, Burger King, etc, etc, but it still could catch dear and rabbit...if it wanted to....... 73, it found KFC and gravy, and eating it gave the front bumper a over bite front jaw..................... and though 71/73, it's but got bigger due to diet........................ 74/76, while continuing to eat everything else ( except for dear and rabbit ), the cougar discovered deep fried pizza and chose a jar of mayo with a straw over a milkshake..........( guess if you like big buts...........................................) 77/79, Cougar knew it over ate but rather than exercise it went for a tummy tuck and but there was still to much tummy to tuck even after all the face lifts........ 80/82, cougar knowing it was just a fat pig decided to try being anorexic............... well that didn't work out to well after having to have liposuction along with skin removal..................................... 83/86 Then cougar discovered ( more like thought) that Botox combined with more plastic surgery would be a great idea. At first friends thought, 'Coug, you are looking great again'.............. 87/88, Friends atarted asking.... 'Coug, you taking pills again, you just don't look rite!" 89/98 cougar went through more surgery to hold itself together living in the past but becoming nothing more really than a disposable rental car that yes, I'll rent one but no I don't want to buy one........ 99/2000, cougar, all messesd up from years of alcohol, drugs, steroids, decided to ad crack to it's diet, and the end result was...... RIP Cougar, RIP....................................