Don't see these very often. Located in the desolate Ontario wilderness north of Lake Huron.
No, you sure don't see these often, never really saw them back in the day ether. Let alone finding one in hick's ville Ontario! Only the 3 pics, but for what it is...... that's looks surprisingly clean and a...sure I'd drive it....for $400. Now ya just have to find some one who will pay $5.5K for one
Sold as the Dodge Arrow in Canada and the Dodge Celeste in Puerto Rico, according to this: I remember the Arrow from the '70s. Didn't see 'em that often. Maybe I just remember it from the Toronto Auto Shows. So c'mon, Tedy, it's gotta be worth at least $3,500 just for the rarity of it.
I didn't see many of them new (and I was going to junior high with one of the sons of a Dodge salesman who ended up owning the dealership), but I certainly remember the advertising: "Me and my Arrow/taking the high road."
I saw my share, in Metro Detroit, as Plymouths, of course The hitch should pull a thousand. But, I wouldn't reccomend pulling that much with that light car. At least, not at high speeds. Bringing home lumber from the local hardware store or cement bags is okay
So its priced at around $4300 USD's. for about 1/2 of that I would have been interested in it if it were a manual trans car (I remember driving low powered 4 cylinder automatic cars of the era, no thanks) and I still worked for Chrysler. It would let me park close to the plant and not have to walk 2 blocks to work every day. It could have replaced the Rusty Beat up X1/9 I drove the Parking enforcement Nazi's crazy with after Fiat was Given Chrysler. I used to receive about 3 we are going to tow your Foreign POS if you ever park it in the Chrysler Only Parking area, and I would then point out it was a product of the company that now signed their paychecks. Here is a shot of it in its final resting place about 10 years ago. The owner of the foreign car junkyard gave me X2 what I originally paid for the car. $200 I was very sad to see it go as I really enjoyed irritating the head Parking Nazi at the plant!
I always wanted an X1/9 in the '70s. Finally saw one in a parking lot here in Ottawa a few years ago. Man, that thing was small. Forgot how tiny they actually were.
I still crack up at the joke people made about the movie "Silver Streak," that the display X1/9 killed more people than the locomotives (not really, but hilarious nonetheless).