I came across this forum while looking for information for my 55' Safari. I am currently looking to start a restoration on this vehicle. My father purchased the wagon in 1984 by trading my mothers 79' Lincoln Continental even up for it. It has been in a garage pretty much continually since 1988 minus a few times he drove it after he got it running before he passed away in 2005. It has been sitting in the same garage since 05'. When the wagon was originally acquired it had a 389 with 3-twos an Offenhauser high rise intake and valve covers. After an engine fire my dad drove it with one carb and a coffee can of gas. It now has what I believe to be a different rebuilt 389 in it from 1960. From what I remember growing up, he always said it was a California car and the chrome was redipped before he got it. I am here to find any information I can, on parts/ paint and where I can purchase these. I would also like to read any comments, stories and tips the members may have. I will post pictures as soon as I can take some. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the nuthouse we call home. You're going to fit in just fine around here. We have a few members with Safaris similar to yours. They will chime in eventually. Around here, there are all sorts of build threads. Be sure to start one of yours. The very best build thread is by Vetteman, rebuilding his 71 Grand Safari. He has all kinds of pictures, details, and for the esoteric things he had to figure out, wonderful instructions to help the next person. Not many have his talent or attention to detail when it comes to documenting a build, but it is wonderful. We'd sure love to see your Safari as it is now, and lots of pictures as you go. When you run into issues, post in your thread. Someone here is bound to have an answer. Actually, MANY will have answers, and some will even be right! Have fun and do join in.
to the group. Another of my favorite wagons. Good luck on the build and please add photos now and as you progress.
Thanks for the welcome. I came across a few pics I had saved on my computer from last year before the winter hit no full body pics. They are not the best, I will get full views as soon as the weather is nice enough to roll it outside. How do I attach them to a thread? Thanks again.
Got some pics up I uploaded the few I have, they are in the gallery under 55 Safari. Thanks again to everyone. Does anyone know where I can purchase the original PONTIAC letters, all I have found online are reproductions. I have yet to go through all the extras my father purchased but I do not think he found any letters. Thanks
I finally began work on the '55. Got her moved into a shop and up on jack stands. Gas tank has been removed and cleaned, very little varnish. Purchased a new fuel sending unit on ebay and will be installing after tank is painted. Began going through engine, pulled all plugs and used mystery oil in cylinders. Let sit for a few days, turned over by hand with ease. Drained oil and replaced filter. I ordered a new water pump, awaiting arrival at parts store. Checked all fluids and fired her up Saturday for the first time in 10 years, sounded and felt good to see life in her again. I can't wait to get tank reinstalled and begin work on brakes. So far there have been no major problems. I posted a few more pics in my gallery. I will add a video when she is running. That is all for now.
aboard! The '55 Pontiac wagon is also among one of my favorite body styles. It's good to see that you've started work on it. It certainly is a car that's worthy of being put back into shape....and back on the road. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of it.
The cool thing about your car is that you can use a combination of general '55 Pontiac parts and Chevy Nomad parts. Many of the parts are available reproduced as well, if needed.
welcome aboard. if you need any help with the resto, we can help. we specialize in all 55-57 nomads, and straighten/restore the upper liftgate potmetal frames. check out our website. weve worked on several 55-57 safaris. www.madmooks.com
Those Safari wagons are very cool. I saw one done by a friend of mine who has a shop called Trickworks. He did a Safari wagon over for a guy and was showing it at his booth at the Macungie street rod show in August. It was painted 2 tone of a cranberry and silver with a 389,trips, and Cragar 5 spoke wheels. It did look fine. Hope to see yours when its done.