Hey????..... isn't this a picture from a winter long gone by???? This isn't the "How Cold Was it a Few Winters Ago" thread
Well, this past Thursday....................... Mars officially warmer than Canada Thursday Quote..... Saturday, January 10, 2015, 11:32 AM - NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover is currently exploring the Gale Crater. On Thursday, the daily high in that region of Mars hit -8C, making it warmer than parts of Canada and the U.S. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/mars-officially-colder-than-canada-thursday/43251/
I'm wearing shorts and sitting by an open window @ 6pm as I type this. (That's 6PM Celsius, I think.) That's a good thing. :2_thumbs_up_-_anima Oh, cold? We'll see mid '50's tonight. That's not too bad. After a week and $1200.00, the solar water heater is working again. What a money saver that turned out to be! [/sarcasm] At least we can take hot showers again. Even if it isn't cold here by Canadian standards, its cold to me.
Hmmm..........woke up to snow on New Year's Day. It's been mid-40's for lows, highs in the mid 60's/low 70's. Can't wait for spring.
yup that's my "Wagon in a Winter Wonderland" postcard. Winters are all the same, too long and too cold. -23C at the moment.
Right off the top of my head I think a regular electric 40 gallon water heater is about $300-$400 and last maybe 15-20 years. They work almost all the time as long as the electricity is working. A solar water heater does not work well at night or when it is cloudy. We went thru the solar heat back in Illinois. Spent a fortune to save a dollar!:banghead3: It got up to 61 here and 54 right now and sunny. Hey a solar heater would work.
Clod enough to the freeze the water in the upstairs crapper in the house we are renting out. People can't even keep oil in the freggin' tank yes a pipe broke glad they are moving out! Anyone want to but a house cheap.... before we give it back to the bank.
I have done some stupid things in my life. But renting out a house is not one of them>>>>>! Actually in nearly 60 years of living in sin with the same woman we've only had four houses. Two of which we still have. I was amazed how buying over the internet was easy and fun. Like taking a walking tour without leaving my computer chair. I could see who lived there, how old they were, their names, how much taxes have been over the years, the average worth of each home, and all of the above about the neighbors. I could even see who worked and who was a pervert. Happy to say none of either in my new neighbor hood....... Yet!
That's okay. We're moving back to central Illinois so Florida always has room for one more retiree or pervert. Right now it's 73 and sunny. A person would have to be retarded to move to Illinois.
It's 58 and partly cloudy here in Florida and 14 but feels 5 in Illinois. Anything under 32 is not good and anything with a minus is worse!
One of the first things the newly-married couple who bought our house down in Orange did to it was install solar. Probably complaining about the monthly payment now, and the constant repairs about 7 years from now........
We had solar panels back in Illinois. But not the kind that saved the heat for later. Only worked when the sun was shining. Sadly it does not shine much in central Illinois when you really need heat. Considering what the panels cost for the main house and front porch area I may have saved $1.10 over the years.................... Or not.