Here in Germany, I compared diesel prices, last week, as the barrel of crude costed some 68 1/2 dollars now and the last time oil was so expensive which was in August 15th 2007 as Crude costed $70. Well, guess what. Diesel was less expensive, back then, than it was last week when the barrel was one and a half dollars cheaper. The following link was used, last week. It changes constantly, according to current pricing: Just more proof that the industry is quick to adjust the price of already refined oil to current crude oil prices. But, not the other way around: To sum it up, diesel costed 93.46€ as the barrel costed $70, back then, and it costed 1.20€ last week as the barrel costed one and a half dollars more than it did 7 years ago
Always remember oil is priced in US dollars so the exchange rate may have somthine to do with this. Brian
I filled up Feb. 15 2007 with gas at 0.879 per litre, Feb. 25 at 0.952 per litre. Price just kept going up from there. (Yes, I collect all my old gas receipts. I know that's sick. )
I can't remember ever saving gas receipts. Only a sick sick puppy would do that! I only remember as a young lad in my late teens and 20's working a second job at our local Clark Super 100 station where gas was 32.9 and often on sale as low as 19.9. This was for 100 octain. I also sort of remember retiring in 1994 with most places 99.9 or less. But I never saved a receipt.
Heard the radio morning show on the drive in say 93.9 a liter and people were lining up at 6AM for gas and commenting on a gas station on the opposite corner where the price was 95.3 a liter and that gas station was empty. Even the radio show hosts were LMAO at people willing to wait in line for ? how long at 6AM for gas just to save 1.4 cents a liter when a gas station across the street is empty. They even used the 'How many people are going to be late for work?" and 'So you going to tell your boss the reason you are 1/2 hour late and will loose a 1/2 hour wages is because you saved $1.20 filling the tank?" The cheaper gas is the better IMO, but yeah I'll pay more if I can get in and out, I don't wait in lines to save a penny. To me it's like stepping over a dollar to save a dime when it comes to your time. .......... But I do like the cheaper prices for gas over all, will still pay 5,6,7,8,9, 10.... cents more a liter if I need gas and that station is empty compared to a line up
I find it interesting what some folks save/collect. At least it's something small that doesn't take up alot of space. Gas is about $1.00 here. It's an uneasy treat isn't it?
$2.21 per gallon here now. According to the inflation calculators, that's equivalent to 39 cents per gallon in 1972, which is pretty much what we were paying then. In short, in inflation-adjusted dollars, the price of gas is as cheap as it was 42 years ago. This likely won't last, so enjoy it while you can.