I haven't been out to see Lawrence since I was restoring the 7 Litre. The other thing about Lawrence is that he has a lot of nos and excellent condition used parts in the barns, you just need to ask.
Nothing is catalogued or inventoried on a computer. But he knows where everything is. He still uses all the old FSM's and parts catalogues he has kept for years for parts look-up.. His barn is just chock full of parts. This is only one section of it..
damn i wish we had a guy like that here in The Netherlands would love to see what parts i could pull from that Royal Monaco wagon
Here are a few off-topic wagons in an Olds forum Well, that one early compact might not be off-topic: http://classicoldsmobile.com/forums/general-discussion/64671-junk-yard-dogs.html http://classicoldsmobile.com/forums/general-discussion/64671-junk-yard-dogs-2.html http://classicoldsmobile.com/forums/general-discussion/64671-junk-yard-dogs-3.html
As far as I know, Lawrence, like Minaker's, had to close. The County changed the by-laws on them, and forced the yards in Prince Edward County to close. What a shame and a waste! A lot of great old cars were lost!
Anybody notice the Vista Cruiser wagon with the tree growing out of where the engine used to be. Talk about a project car, but I'll bet you could get it cheap, like $10.00 maybe?!!