Hi, new user but not new to wagons. Always owned em and its my vehicle of choice. At the moment Im gettin some rust fixed around the rear side windows of dads 82 Olds Custom Cruiser (pics will be up at some point). Had to remove the rear section of the headliner and Im lookin for the clips that hold the steel rails on the interoir along the roof. I think they call them garnish panels? They look kinda like an anchor. Ive tried a few of the companies that make this stuff but I can only find the clips for G-body wagons. Worse case scenario I can put screws in it, but I'd like to avoid it. This wagon was grandpas car since new, now its my dads. Ive yanked the boat anchor 307 and stuffed in a 350 TBI with the 200r4, bilsteins, and a rear sway goin in in a month or so. The car is in great shape, never been hit, very straight. Gettin a new stereo too with all the rust repairs, since ive got all the rear panels out. Scored a delco ETR And its gettin painted late this year... So ya, thats a good start I think, thoughts on the clips? I know there have got to be some floating around out there somewhere. Far as I know they were the same clips on all the B-body wagons of the era Mark
I recently had my headliner replaced. Had a shop do it. Installer said he only broke 2 clips (that was one of my concerns if I did it myself). Soooo I assume that an auto upholstery shop would have a source for those replacement clips. I'd go to one and ask about them.
Anyone else have any thoughts? I hit some shops this week, but I have the feeling its gonna be grim Mark
Did you try these two sites? http://www.fastenermart.com/ http://www.clipsandfasteners.com/SearchResults.asp
I have not tried them yet, ill defiantly look over the sites. Right now im trying to track down a front grill emblem thats not $60-$120 on that certain auction site lol. i cant believe how much people want for items that were $20 when they were available Mark
As of about a year ago, they were still available from GM. If you need the part number, I believe stii I have the box someway laying around. They were the same for all the box wagons so just have look it up under the last year listed. I think I paid about $17.00 for a box of ten. Good luck
Olds parts I have tail gate parts for a 1985 Olds Custom Cruiser. Window motor and window gasket. Reply if you know of anyone looking for these parts.
Not trying to pick on just you, but seems like new members are not reading the information about first writing an introduction in the WELCOME WAGON. At least you sort of started telling us about yourself before you wandered off about needing parts. I am only a member here but feel everyone should introduce themselves, telling about their wagons, other cars, and themselves, then go to another topic to ask about parts and problems. I just signed in and already the first two new members started out asking about repairs or parts. You guys have the rest of your lives to ask questions and hopefully get some good advice. Thank you. I will step down off my soap box now.
parts I was trying to help a guy looking for parts. I have a few I do not need. I did list my info in December.
Sorry. It just seems so many don't actually do an intro and I was in a grouchy mood. Old guys get that way sometimes!
The GM part number for the rear side clips is 20017921, they come 10 to a box. The front windshield clips should be the same as the sedans.