so after church today my wife looks at me and says "its cold in here" well, knowing my wife keeps the thermostat set and a relatively low temp to keep the gas bill down. i walked over to the thermostat and it was 53F in the house and the temp was set at 69f. ...ok ...something aint right... so i went down to the dungeon to see what was up. well the induction fan was kicking on as was the gas. the igniter however...was broken. (it is a metal prong that gets hot and ignites the gas.) so...its cold in here. i sent my wife and daughter over to spend the night at her parents house. luckily im off on mondays so i can get this handled tomorrow when the hvac supply place opens. it just seems like i never catch a break with this house. things only break 1. in the middle of the night 2. on a sunday when nothing is open. or 3. when im broke! so im just gonna chill out!
Well dang Ian that is poopy. I had the same problem with my Carrier furnace last year, easy to change out but same problem, happened on a sunday and we froze our butts off for a night. Had to sleep in the basement by the gas fireplace. Have you tried to light it manually? It works temporarily but once the house is warm and it shuts off you have to light it again.
Welcome to my world............I think Norm can relate also! could have been worse, at least you have it covered as what to do, and how to do.........and baby is warm and safe EDIT.... on a side note having been in the construction industry, if it come doun to loosing a days wage because you need "that" trade in your house...... take the day off as IT WILL ALLLWAYS BE CHEAPER than leaving your home to strangers
I did that one time in Illinois. Also believe it was late Saturday or Sunday morning. Turned the heat up and kept going to basement to turn it back on. At bedtime I got it very toasty and we lived through the night. Those things are programmed to go bad that way. We bought one of those LP wall furnaces last year with the ceramic heat thingies. Worked great for four months. Stopped lighting. Figured it was the thermo couple but replaced the pressure regulator because it seemed bad. Still didn't work so bough another new wall LP heater. Even at that I believe we are saving money over the gas guzzling regular furnace. Plus if we loose electricity this heater still works. A great back up. Wife still yells because I told her Florida is warm! Today it is.
I was gonna ask you Cat, a heater in Florida? You guys have it good it's 32 degrees here today and kinda half a$$ snowing. BRRRRRRR!
Yeah, well, when ya live in Florida,,,,,,at +79 degree they start thinking about winter parkas, snow boots, gloves, bizzard conditions and what to do......will my sun tan oil freeeze?
In January. February, and sometimes March it can freeze where we are. We've seen 16 degrees a few times. That's enough to freeze things! I actually have the outside pipes wrapped and cover the faucets around the first of January for the really cold weather. It ain't what I expected. But we are just over the Suwannee River so not far enough for bikinis year round. Altho I do look cute wearing one! Today it was 80 and sunny. Who knows what next week may bring. But I'm not complaining------much!
well, i fixed it. went to the local HVAC supply company and bought the $50 igniter. then made a $300 trip to costco!
Haha! So you just had to do it.........blow all the savings from not calling in a guy from a HVAC company?