Long story, I'll try to keep it short. June '10 I took my Eagle wagon to a guy that was going to do an "EXTREME makeover" on it for me. Included body work,paint, interior, swap rear hatch (currently have heater only, wanted wiper/washer too). Sent the money end of Feb./early Mar. last year, included extra because by that time I had located (& had delivered to him) an AMC 360 he was supposed to swap in. What he's done so far - ZERO!!!! What of my money I've gotten back so far - same - ZERO. Always has an excuse, bad back, needs cement to do the job, can't get money from the bank to do the cement. Not doing the 360, too much involved, yadda, yadda. Found a guy that is willing to swap one he's in the process of putting back on the road for Old Rusty. Still has more to do to it to get it road ready. Does have it running & moving under its own power. Will post pictures if & when I finally get it. Still legally own the other one, just can't afford to go rescue it now.
Thanks. Getting it from Sean (on The Nest). One of the batch he got from Iron Horse(?) Iron Eagle(?).
Time to look for a lawyer as well... That sucks man, but I'm glad you have some hope on the horizon. I had a similar run of bad experiences with body shops. Makes me cringe just thinking about it. In my case he filed bankruptcy and I never saw a dime.
IF I could afford a lawyer, I'd probably just go rescue my wagon & 360 first, then worry about a lawyer. This guy wasn't a business, just a guy on the forum who TALKED a great story there. Unfortunately, when it came time to walk the walk, he couldn't even crawl.
Not done yet. Should be finished soon. Since the one I bought & then took to Ill. to be fixed up never got done & I can't afford to go rescue it right now, I'm swapping Old Rusty for another one from someone I CAN trust.