Jimmy Stewart reading his poem "A Dog Named Beau" on Johnny Carson. http://silverandgoldandthee.net/V/J_S.html
Having just lost our dog of nearly 18 years I can relate too well to that reading.Would write more but I'm having trouble seeing the keyboard.
I hear you. I'm sorry for your loss. It's been 5 years since my bud Billy lost the use of his legs and I had a lot of trouble making it all the way through the video. Made me feel like it was just yesterday.
A couple of pics of Muttley;one in the Safari at a car show in Massachusetts.850 miles one way and she rode in my wife's lap most of the way.The second pic was taken about 3 days before we had to put her down.Her kidneys and liver had shut down and she wasn't eating or responding to us. The last pic is of my wife with Muttley(in her summer haircut)and our beloved Duke von Slayer(all 155 lbs. of him)shortly before we lost him to bone cancer.
My dogs have always been my #1 pastime/hobby. In my 65 yrs I've had 18-20 dogs. Always 2-3-4 at a time and each and every one was like loosing family. At my old house where we spent 38 yrs I would put a new plant over each one I buried. When I moved 3+ yrs ago I moved one heck of a lot of plants to my new yard to remember them. I'm down to two GSDs (7 and almost 4 yrs old) and my son still has our old retired (hunting) JRT (15 yrs). I know I'll cry over all of them too when the time comes.