Separate names with a comma.
Sure glad Spring is here. All that white stuff on the driveway must be pollen from all the Spring flowers! Gotta love Michigan. Here's the '57...
Been away for a while, sorry, busy around the old farmhouse. Received my service manual CD, had high hopes that it would show me a lot of detail...
Took a break from the Truckster to work on the stuff up top. The blue suitcases figure prominently, finally figured out that they were American...
Thanks OrthmannJ, I've just added a blurb in the Intro forum telling all about my (boring) life. Steve
Hello to everyone. Not much to tell about myself. I was born and raised in central Ohio, in a little one-stoplight town called Fredericktown. I...
Kevin, Thanks. I use Trimble Sketchup, a free program. It's really designed for architects, so working with curved, organic shapes is a lot...
Well, that's not gonna happen. I have had many offers to purchase some of my models, and also to get them to put in various racing games, but I...
Hi OrthmannJ, That's a hard question to answer. I have any number of models in progress at any given time, and I tend to bounce back and forth...
Thanks Krash Rendering is a completely separate process from 3D modeling, using one of many available rendering programs. Here is an example...
Thanks Andrew Actually I have ordered a shop manual on CD, should be here tomorrow hopefully Steve
Hello to all. I'm Steve, and I have been lurking around these forums for seven years or so, but this is my first post. For a while now I have...