Seeing all these pictures of various independent businesses and diners and knowing how they've all been replaced by McDonalds, Taco Bell, Home Depot, and Wal Mart makes me angry and sad.
Same here. We’ve said it before on this forum, but it’s worth repeating that very few of the before and after pictures are seldom improvements. What the chains and big box stores have done to the landscape of this country to the little restaurants and independents is just about gonna be finished off by the protesters and looters.
So I googled “Sandy’s” cause I remember them in Illinois. And this picture looks like a bunch of girls that borrowed mom’s convertible in late February drove around with the top down cause it was a rare sunny day there. Sure enough, started in Peoria in 1956, and by the late 60’s had 240 stores. Eventually bought out by Hardee’s. I would say that Firebird had snow tires for 6 months on, 6 months off. Finally got rid of it when it cracked in half hitting a deep pot hole on the Kennedy Expressway in 1977. That poor car has probably been A thousand Schlitz beer cans over and over. Sadly probably a similar fate for the ‘63 wagon reflected in the window.