I took the Caballero to the AACA National Meet at Hershey, PA last week. Here it is on the way into the show on Saturday: It drew quite a crowd all day. The only comment I got from the judging team was the fact that I have a "hardtop" battery, instead of the correct, "tar-top" style. The car earned it's "First Junior" award. Next time I take it to a National meet, it will be eligible for a "Senior" award. Maybe next year at Auburn or Charlotte!
Congratulations Joe. Looks like you were running in some pretty good company. Your car certainly deserves the praise and the crowds. It’s prettier every time I see it.
So, are there tar-top batteries you can purchase that have factory appearance? It sounds like that may signal the final end of the project, as no other hits were levied against it.
Awesome job jmt455 , Man its just in old terms Fantastic , Thanks for the awaking and then. from Downunder
I miss checking the acid level on one of these http://www.corvairkid.com/batteries.htm If it's the same battery spec: https://www.classicchevy.com/chevy-tar-top-battery-1955.html Or throw a mask on a modern one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/1953-1967-...ima-Battery-Cover-GM-Buick-Olds-/370836929012
Order yours before Halloween. With a mask like that, you're likely to get the best candy thrown into your Trick or Treat bag. Or maybe, even the best mind candy, for that matter
Yes, it was a really nice car! I wasn't sure what that was when we drove in, but I'm pretty sure it's a 1936 Oldsmobile. Yes, they are available...I guess I'll have to buy one. Even with all the stickers removed, this one doesn't look like an original 1958 Delco "tar-top". It's not a "normal" size; looks like a big, 6V tractor battery: Thanks, dennis!
"Joe driving the Buick in the left lane gets the drop on Bob's Olds in the right lane out of the gate! By 500 ft Joe is almost a car length ahead en route to an easy win in the quarter!"
If that's the original battery tray, the original battery was likely long and narrow. The braces holding it down seem to look original, in any case.
Yes, the hold-down ias original. The 19" long battery in the photo is the correct configuration for the car. It's just not a "DELCO" Tar-top construction.
As long as acid isn't added, a dry battery can get stored forever, without deteriorating. If you ever find one of those for your wagon at an auction or abandoned garage, that would be the near equivalent of finding an automotive Holy Grail.
The battery I ordered is a reproduction of the original DELCO battery, but it is a sealed AGM design. One of my friends has had one of these for 10 years and it's still going strong.