It, almost 4 hours away, but...
I think MT1 said it best,''I've already got too much stuff to move and no room for more stuff. But I do like stuff'' but I might go. I could always buy this to bring it home. Or if I win the lottery, and buy lots of stuff.
Now that's the sort of stuff I'd love to have. That's not man cave stuff, that's useful stuff. I could haul my other stuff from Florida with one of those. Might even be room for some old signs and other stuff.
"You ever notice, that to others, your stuff is s#!t, and to you, your s#!t is stuff?" Ah, that B-series Mack is soooo sweet. But what's the other rig--a CornBinder?
It's always that way about stuff. Most of my friends think my stuff is junk and I'm silly for keeping that old stuff. I'm thinking the older stake bed is an International. I remember seeing Macks like that a t aplace called Gas City in Pa.
And this my friend is what is the problem in this world! If everyone...EVERYONE, kept their nose in their own sh...stuff and respected other people's sh...stuff for what it is, other people's sh...stuff,then this might be a less tense global community. Getting off my box now. Sorry Yeller
That's some good sh....stuff fannie. It's no sh**** too many people stick their noses in other people's stuff! Yet sometimes that's a good thing. We all need compliments, comments, and a little sh**** in our lives to keep stuff organized. I think your real problem is no one mentioned a WOMAN CAVE. I'm sure there are places women put their stuff. My wife puts her stuff in every closet, corner, and wherever she can stuff her stuff. If I complain she tells me to get stuffed! Sorry Yeller
Your right MT1 receiving a compliment is awesome and having someone adding their 2 cents is fine so long as it doesn't make one feel that it should be their way or no way. When I say keeping your nose out of other peoples sh...stuff, I meant to the point that they are forcing their own opinion and disregarding the othes. Such as on this site most all of us have a favorite brand/model,what have you, but I don't believe I've seen anyone pressure someone else because they didn't like their brand/model choose. We all give our compliments and perhaps a suggestion but never really stuck our noses into tho their personal choice Sorry again Yeller.
Woman Cave...have you seen the chocolate bar commercial with the secret mom cave? It's cute. I don't need a cave I have the entire and now a cottage too. I think this is true for most woman and this my friend is why menhave a cave in their garage or basement because women don't want it so the man can have it. Sorry Yeller.