After not really enjoying the dealership life for the past year or so I finally decided to quit and take a job in the tire business, again. I have always enjoyed the tire business (see screen name) so I found a job 17 miles from my house that does tires and small auto repairs. Started today and it was a nice change of pace and enjoyable. Looking forward to going back tomorrow and hope to stay working there a while, my biggest obstical will be learning their computer system since I'm not the most computer savy person!
Congrates and good luck!!! I hope you enjoy it. I think I will be looking for a new Job in the new year. We have a New CEO and the changes he is making don't work well for me. To old to be working 60 hour weeks and traveling all over the eastern 1/2 of the US, Canada, and Mexico. Hope to find something that will let me play with cars, and have some weekends off.
The base salary is just a little less than dealership but it's only half the distance so I make up most with that. I will also get a commission check at end of the month based on gross profits. So some month's are better than others but I took it based on just the salary so anything else is a bonus in my book. I agree Jeff, this was 3rd manager for me in 2 years and every time it's changes and the last one added 16+ hours to my weekly schedule but no more pay so it was definitely time to go. Dennis
Good luck with the new job. Hope you like it. You'll get the computer stuff, just takes a little time.
Glad you are back in the tire business. All of you switching jobs, enjoying your work, and making lots of money, makes me almost wish I was working again......................... Okay I am lying. I worked where the country singer wrote the song "Take this Job and Shove It" if that's a clue! Hey Oney! Maybe on our way back to Illinois I should stop and see 1tireman about some snow tires for my old wagon.
No snow tire rush but Picayune, Mississippi where I am working at is a rural area and it is Deer season, mud tires are selling great right now!
I don't think mud tires would look good on my wagon. In fact neither would snow tires. I think I'll just stay retired while everyone else works at tiring jobs.
Not that I mind, it's more money for me but Deer Hunters and car people have a lot in common. Neither of us mind spending money on our hobbies, never seen so many beat up $500 4 wheel drives getting $1200 worth of new mud tires on them!
Yep, see those a lot down here. But the goofiest thing is the trucks that sit a foot higher in front. That's gotta be odd for steering.