Owning a nomad parts business, I often get to see them in person to do work on them or when people drop by to pick up parts. I got to see two on Friday, one I installed our liftgate anti rattle on and the other just cruised by for a pickup. sorry I didn't take more pictures. both are very cool rides. 55 and a 56. Whenever I can take a few pictures and share them with the forums I do. Once in a while ill get a Pontiac safari!
the 55 is actually an orange in person. it was a very nice car. built to drive, huge brakes, nice detailed engine, the whole deal.
I don't care if it's grey primer, I love it. Looked again and it sorta looks orange. Colors change in photos. My favorite wagons are the 55 Nomad and Pontiac Safari's. Missed a 1956 Nomad, yellow and black a few years ago when I chose a red 57 2-door ht with continental kit instead. Couldn't get both. Went to pick up the 57 ht at the ex-wife's house and she'd sold it! No wonder she was an exwife!
yellow/black is a great paint combo for the 56 nomad, especially if they are stock colors. but hey, a 57 hardtop isn't a bad alternative
These were basically restored originals by different owners while at a small cruise in. I wanted the Nomad but found out the owner of the 57 Chevy lost his license and a friend drove the car to sell. Wasn't perfect but a great driver. Sadly I ended up with neither one. But according to my wife I didn't need anymore cars. She never knew it but she came----- that close to being another exwife!
Duck Denny! ....................Clang!! Those are a couple fine looking Nomads, thanks for sharing the pics!
Danged skillets. She's been very good to me... so far. Dollie actually found my first 1955 Chevy 2-door sedan at a yard sale. Then at another yard sale found a set of nearly new radials on late model S-10 15" wheels at a bargain price. The fact she called it a hardtop over the phone because the roof was hard didn't matter after I saw how nice the car was. 350 with BW 4-speed and bucket seats. :confused:
I love Nomads! Personal favorite is the 57, but I love them all. That is really awesome you get to make a living working with such cool cars. Thanks for sharing the pics.