I found a radiator on CL for $20 from a guy 20 miles away. A quick call to get some info since that is something I rather buy new but $20 I was willing to take a chance.He tells me he bought it for his '82 and 4 months later it gets rearended and he parted out the rest and the radiator was the last of it.He was originally asking $75 but no one called so he just wanted it gone. Come home put it in and decided to clean up some more of the truck. I find the original warranty booklet, build sheet and pre-delivery inspection sheet, all in great condition. I put them in a frame went to a cruise night, put the paperwork on the hood. Had good conversation with people when they looked at it. I also found under the seat the original jack, folding handle and lug wrench. All the stuff was still under the hood to put it back where it belongs. I've put 187 miles on it since Friday morning. Gonna post some pics of the original documents to share tomorrow.
OK, Tman....I was going to get on your case a little for spending money on something other than your beautiful wagon that is suffering from neglect. However, you are so happy with that truck and you have spent so little on it I am going to keep my mouth shut!
No your right fox but my hold up has been getting my motor finished.I have all the parts but it has fought me at every turn. Broken bolts,cam bearings seems like everytime I turn around something with the engine is against me. It is being neglected, I have to get remotivated on it. I can take a a$$ chewing...I live next door to my mom and dad, I get a chewing often!
That's a nice old truck. My Budy has a 78 4X4 that he's had for about 15 years that is a pile. He recently bought a 77 2WD for parts. The 77 is so straight and clean that I told him if he parted it out for the 78 I'd knock him up-side the head. He's been driving the 77 and loves it. I know how you feel about missing your old truck. I miss my old 78 F-250 crew cab. There is certainly something to be said for an honest "old" truck. Nice find. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
I'm reviving this few year old thread because I struck a deal today to buy my old truck back. I sold it to a friend's son that wanted to go with me to Cruise nights and wanted a old truck. I practically gave it away because I had just bought my Roadmaster wagon, was trying to finish up my dad's Malibu, working on another of my projects and to top it off, I got a new manager at work at the time and he and I didn't hit it off and for the first time in my life, l walked off my job! I figured no sense in stressing the wife with all my toys so I thought it was going to a good home. 6 months later, poor truck was smoking and hadn't been cleaned. Year in, motor gave up from lack of maintenance and just basically see how far he could push the stock 305 2bbl 3 speed manual truck because he wanted a 454 in it out of a suburban his dad had. Put the 454 in it, never fully hooked everything up but started terrorizing the streets again and blew that motor in just a few months. Fast forward to today, I share on my Facebook page a picture of it from when I got it and mentioned I missed it. He replies he wants to get it going again and in the past he has told me of his big plans for Turbo's, outrageous horsepower etc but he is a early 20 something with baby on way. I offer him some money and his blown motor for the truck back and he takes it...now I hope nothing else is destroyed on it! I'm excited to get it back anyway, here are pictures of it right before I sold it.
Man, I gotta say, I have heard so many stories of cars sold to, or given to, kids, who don't appreciate them, don't know how to drive them, don't know how to take care of them. It's all I can do to get my nieces to take care of their cars.
But it's good to see you're getting it back. Someone else mentioned earlier in the thread about their '78 Silverado Big 10; Mom bought a demonstrator '80 Silverado Big 10, Tu-Tone Charcoal Grey/Argent, with that Porno Red interior! Now, after Mom's death, Dad didn't need the Chev anymore and gave it to friends of theirs, as the engine was tired and Dad didn't want to pay for one. Well, the husband had a spare 292 in the garage, so he yarded the 305 and dropped in the 292; he painted it school bus yellow and named it "Bomba Amarilla."
Sounds like another fun project 1tire. Just hope it's not messed up to bad. Our youngest in Florida knows how to mess up nice cars and trucks but at least before he scraps them he gets them running great... then blows the engines. To make your wife happy haul some groceries or antique funiture home for her.