You find a good source, dam man,let me know....don't want any of that China Muffler Breang crap....want NOS like in the good old days! Another thing I was thinking about..... The 460 I have will maybe give me 10MPG.....but now I have 2, soooo If I put the other one in where the back jump seats are now........ I'd be getting 20MPG, rite? And what about 2x dual exhaust????? Holly crap, I'm at 30MPG now
I had a 1977 Ford super-duper cab with a 460. Got a consistant 9MPG pulling 30'+ fifth wheel up and down mountains and flat land........... or with nothing behind. 9MPG I said! In reality, if you got 10MPG with one 460 then you'd get 5MPG with two because they'd be fighting each other. Add two sets of duel exhaust and you'd up that to about 40MPG. This is only with quality muffler bearings made in USA. The trick is keeping the muffler bearings packed with grease.
Now i get it I think....guess i've been doing it wrong all these years, yet it's so simple....Muffler bearing = bearing**, I've been packing mine with white grease, Krisco. I've also heard that changing the air in the tires with every oil change helps also....makes sence....fresh air is allways a good thing I still think your wrong though, if 1, 460 gets 9-10 MPG then 2 will get 18-20! It's all in the math, I think you put the decimal point in the wrong spot after you multiplicationified.
This ain't Kansas. We live in the real world. I don't use decimal points or calculations. Math has nothing to do with carburators sucking gas like a wino on Saturday nite. When you and your adding machine are sitting alone in the desert while you try hitch hiking to the next Shell station I will wave as I pass by. You'll know it's me by the smooth sound of well greased muffler bearings and factory original air in my GoodYears. Somewhere this thread about engines got derailed.
Sh**, if ya ever see me in the desert stranded, I sure hope as heck you would wave hi, as you pass by........and when the ba-jesus are you ever gona be in a desert......a gator swamp I can see, but a desert?
Doc you might consider engine size by some thought about weight distrubution. some of my SBF out did big block often because they wer front heavy running around in the Savannas in Flordia.
TRUE! Weight distribution is KEY. The wagon will have a lot of stuff in the back that should balance out. I am thinking that when I am done with it, the car will weigh about 5000-6000 pounds.
70 liters, not 80, ross, it comes out to 30.4mpg US. I've got a 351C with four barrel carb and intake. If I can ever get it timed right and get the filler neck gasket replaced in my gas tank, I'll be performing all sorts of experiments to get better mileage. Right now I have 26 inch tires and I want something bigger (225/70R15 for example is 27.4 inches). Right now I have a 3-speed automatic with no lockup and a 2.75 open rear. I want an AOD in there for lockup and a fourth gear overdrive, but to keep the engine speed high enough I'll need 3.00 or 3.25 out back. But I'll try it with the 2.75 first to see how well it does. I also plan to try switching back to a 2-barrel intake and a Motorcraft 2150 carb, since it is the best carburetor EVER made. I also wanted to try GM TBI fuel injection. Plenty of options. I'd probably be better off with a 351W or 351M for mileage but the 351C is strong and will do.