its just my usual collage of wagons i ran across at shows and stuff for the month of June some of the pictures are crappy...cuz i was using my cellphone...and some cuz I'm just a crappy picture taker
ran into this fella with a wagon on a flat deck at a coffee shop(Timmys,for the Canadians)....and reluctantly asked him what its fate was gonna be?? to my surprise...he said he had just picked it up and was planning on restoring it !!! He had spent a few years talking the guy out of it...told him bout us
then the pizza de resistance.....some of you might remember I saved a 62 Comet wagon from the crusher a while ended up there anyhoo I ran out of time and space for it....and it was pretty much done didnt go without making some donations to the rest of the wagonworld first !!! My 'scrap guy' almost wasnt gonna take it...."theres nuttin left" he said so heres some shots before she went to the Big Pile in the sky
and another...oh....i guess not.....apparently i have exceeded my "photo quota".......WTH????? Steph?????:banghead3:
cuz I'm just a crappy picture taker Thanks Rev. a crappy pitcher taker is better than a non picture taker.
I thought you were going to say you bought it! After the Comet business I'm glad someone else found it first. Maybe we'll get to meet the guy that got it...and thank him.