I'm so frustrated. I have been offered a little side job where I show up and inspect certain areas of a given store and take digital pictures. I will have anywhere from two to sixty digital pictures from each store at the end of the day. I need to send the images as a zipped file along with my report in order to get paid. OK, heres what I need help with: I want to compress and resize all the images in a given file at once so that I can send the file as an attachment that someone in Dallas can open. I am able to open the file, view the images, and even resize them, to 500X500 one by one. Thats no good. This takes way too long. And it would be a major PITA for the person on the recieving end anyway, so I probably wouldn't get paid. I need to 'batch resize.' the entire group of up to sixty images. Then I can make it into a zip file and send it along. I think. These inspections take anywhere from 1/2 hour to an hour, and pay just $12.50, so I can't afford to spend two hours resizing all these pictures. I have tried using Irfanview, but I can't figure out how to make it work. "Help", is, of course, written in either Chinese or Klingon, so it is no help to me at all.:banghead3: I'm sure any thirteen year old could learn /figure this out in ten minutes, but I'm ashamed to admit how many hours I've wasted on this already. I 'll just say too many to give up now, OK? Does anybody have a suggestion, either instructions for Ifranview in English, or an easier to use program that will resize a batch of images? Thanks.
Stefan recommends it for this site's gallery. Its called Faststone and its a free download from here: http://www.faststone.org/ I use it all the time. Make a directory for your new files and another for the resized candidates: CameraTemp -- ResizedPics Or something like that.
Thanks Norm. I had a feeling you would know the answer. Now if I can just turn off the 'stupid switch' for a little while, maybe I can do this.
I posted some instructions on how to use the batch resizer here http://www.stationwagonforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=307 You can also rename the pictures at the same time when they are getting resized.
If you need any more help, just let me know. Even with the pictures resized and zipped, 60 pictures is a lot to send through email.
Stefan, do you remember those Roller Paint *doc files you shrank the pictures from? Did you copy to the clipboard and paste into MSPaint or what? I've got a whole bunch of HR's Utimate Paint and Body guide (10 docs) that weigh in about 427 MB's in a ZIP file. Getting them on a pixel diet would suit me just fine.
I believe I copied and pasted them into a photo editor and then saved them all. Then I ran them through Fastone....
Ok. I made one in VB6 last year to load and save *.jpg, tif, bmp and gif files, so I'll do it that way to start. Thanks. I've got the Canon photoeditor which I'll try as well.