My '79 AMC Pacer Wagon driving buddy decided that Pacer was way too stylish, and picked up this Craigslist Gem for his oddball fleet! Holy Cow, can be seen from space! 2003 Pontiac Aztek Rally Edition. Breaking Bad jokes to come! If you can get beyond the styling, this has some interesting features, like a fold-down tailgate with seats and cupholders, and also cargo-area stereo controls for the 10-speaker Pioneer sound system. A vehicle designed for tailgating! It also has a removable cooler between the front seats, and a sliding cargo floor that can be removed and turned into a rolling cart! This being the Rally Edition, has less bare grey plastic, 17 inch wheels, lowered front suspension, and is loaded with a power sunroof, rear spoiler, and power everything. Weird Vehicles! Going to name it Heisenberg! Ha! Know this is a bit off topic, but figured it would make a few people smile, or even laugh. MAN it's ugly! Ha! - Texas Mike
I'd drive it after dark, out in the country, after all the cows were in the barns! Still, it's different, and sorta kool.
You're wasting your time doing so, if you expect young hitchhiking girls to step into it, Sir. With that, you'll only scare them into the woods, scare them across the road or scare them into any following vehicle which stops to pick them up. Designing such vehicles should be an offense punished through laming the designing fingers, the designing brain or extracting the designing soul from the offending body.
It seems as if in today's world 50% of all vehicles look alike and the other 50% are as ugly as this Aztek. For some odd reason those that are the ugliest seem to be those rumored to get the best MPG.
I KNEW it was gonna be an A$$blech. The GM vehicle beaten with an ugly stick in the design studio. Disgusting creatures, I don't think laming the fingers is harsh enough. Spending Eternity in the company of Beelzebub and all his Hellish instruments of torture would be nothing compared to five minutes with me and their drafting pencil.
He loves it. The ugly is part of the joke, and it looks hilarious next to his AMC Pacer. Oh and he has no issues finding it in the Wal-Mart parking lot.
Well, if you're going to drive an Aztek, that's the one to have. If Pontiac had the money to put all those neat features in a clean-slate design, they might have generated some sales, instead of snickers. But they were stuck with making a little SUV-ish vehicle from this: (This was the platform that under-pinned the Aztek)
Well there is a near-twin for sale in Houston. Needs a bath, but same-same!
believe it or not they are predicting the Aztek to become a Hot collectible, why it's ugly as sin, has no current resale value and NOBODY ever saved them - so they will become rarer that and 8o's wagon
Edsels are big collectible cars these days. But with the A$$blech, it's like that meme: "Muscle Cars. Because in thirty years, no one will be excited about a barn find Honda."
Edsels at least share windshields, doors and the interiors with other FoMoCo's. What does the Aztek share with other GM's, besides lugnuts? The Aztek's future price can only get based on it's future rarity or its value as a future barn find practicle joke on potential serious collectors.
You still have time to go visit the waterjet or whatever that machine's called which tailor cuts emblems using ultra high pressure jets of water for your futuristic barn prank.