It’s few and far between when I stumble across random videos or hear of someone having a rear tailgate/glass motor rebuilt for their clamshell tailgates but cannot find a good source for new units or rebuild kits. I see from a 14 year old thread here that you can use a 78 K5 Blazer rear window motor. Does anyone know if that would also operate the tailgate? My rear window has never worked for me and stopped working on my great Grandma (original owner) back when the car was almost new. Would love to get window to work so I can utilize the full affect of the clam.
Are you sure the motors are actually bad? Are they getting power? I would start with the switches and work my way back from there.
That motor, like Ford's window motors, looks the same as the wiper drive motor. So if you don't find anything under "window motor," look under "windshield wiper motor."
@KevinVarnes From the dash switch, I can hear glass motor click, but not open. The tailgate up is a two person task with assistance @Silvertwinkiehobo Interesting, ill look into that
The motor itself looks like it's the same as any other GM power window motor: tailgates, door glass, etc. The head that attaches to the output looks to be where it's different, and likely interchangeable. But definitely try a good known power source as close to the motor as possible. The dash switches and wiring behind the dash on these cars are notorious for failing due to moisture problems - the 12V bus that feeds all of the accessories and power windows is set up on the body metal right behind the driver's side kick panel and dash pad and a leaky windshield will drip water right onto it and on to the relays that the switches operate.
I don't remember which of our members did it, but some years back (maybe around 2010.....?) somebody posted an entire thread series on how to clean / overhaul your clamshell tailgate. They covered both the top and bottom. I've attempted a couple of searches here, but come up empty. Maybe another member has some additional info on the thread series to help find it......
If anybody did it is in here. All you have to do is find it.