The felt linings for the rear window channels on my 1967 Ford Country Sedan are shot. These are about 16 inches long, 15/16 inch wide and the felt runs 13/16 inch deep (though there appears to be additional rubber at the bottom of the channel). Also there is deteriorating rubber flange along the edge. I sent a detail request to Restoration Specialties and just got a cryptic response "we need samples". Samples of what? I don't know. The felt? The entire channel? I responded. Lousy customer service, but they still may have what I need. I figured I would be better served asking here for people that have done something similar. Probably very similar to channels found in other late 60's Ford full size. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
what had to do was bring a small piece to the turkey run when they ere down this way and matched something as close as i could find. they do attend a lot of swap meets throughout the country
It's almost like ford never made a 1967 wagon. Trying to find parts is like a treasure hunt. Did you check
Unfortunately, they are not going to be anywhere near me as far as swap meets. Ethyl, you are so right. Seems like I always buy old vehicles that there are just no parts for. Except my wife's previous 69 Camaro. That I could have built from the ground up with everything available. I have tried all the standard places. I will contact doc, if he is still available, and Paul and Brian, and see if they have any suggestions.
Hi Thomas, I found a set of NOS ones a while back that I will be using. If I hadn't, my next option would have been Restoration Specialties. I would send them the entire run. They did my window felts which I still have to install. Hope to do paint soon, and I will report back how their work looks then. They weren't the best communicators, but they did get the job done. If you strike out there, I would start checking for other lines to see what you can adapt. Sorry I don't have a better answer for you. Paul
I hear you Ethyl, and ditto 66 intermediates wagons! Winged, I had to replace the channel rubbers (and the weatherstrip that seals the tailgate glass where it winds down into the tailgate) in my 66 Fairlane, and couldn't find them anywhere. I ended up going to a local rubber store ( who sell all kinds of rubber, not specifically auto) and they had a surprising amount of auto specific stuff. Perhaps try something similar over there. Here is a link for their website here in Aust. Its not a direct help to you there, I know, but just another angle to tackle this problem. Good luck
Einstyn Chevelle wagon parts sells material to reline Chevelle wagon tracks. They're wider than needed with the fuzzy material only in the center track section. They may work if the backing material is rubber and you could bend them around the edges sort of like the originals.
Thank you to everyone that posted here and responded to my "conversations". I really appreciate the insights and suggestions that could come in very handy in the future.
I'm no expert but my first idea would be to attempt to find other years/models of wagons that might have something similar. It would appear from you picture the issue isn't with the channel felt, its with the rubber. Once you have discovered possible donor channels a search on SEARCHTEMPEST may locate what you need.
Hey I'm looking for that same widow seal where the window slides down on the tailgate. You were able to find something? Could you point me where to find it? That would be awsome. 1967 ranch wagon
Scroll down this page and see if anything resembles what you have.
Hi Ethyl, I used this 'P section' rubber, and basically glued it to the chrome trim piece (where the original part was attached). It's not a perfect match, but given there were zero alternatives for repop parts, particular here in Aust, it was the best case available. This is the rubber piece I used I've tried to show it in this picture, hopefully it helps. Do you still have the chrome trim piece? I've drawn the orientation of the P section on the pic (although not 100% correct placement) to hopefully explain it a bit clearer. It's hard to show whilst in place on the tail gate. The other diagonal line shows the where the chrome and rubber meet out of focus. The only thing I have noticed though, the contact is not 100% when the glass is all the way up, as the weight of the glass leans forward. I'm thinking of adding some thicker fuzzy channels inside the tailgate to minimise the movement within the channel Hope this helps, let me know if you need other angles or info. Cheers
66, I am also thankful for your reference there. I haven't seen this part of my car in so long I don't know if I need a replacement. But if I do, I thank your reference!