every free moment Ive had for the last 4 weeks...Ive been thrashing on my 68 to get on the road and trailer worthy this is the one that i bought last year with a "allegedly" siezed motor...but with the help of a gallon of Diesel fuel got it 'unstuck' and running first was the brake issue...hit the stays down..? well i ass u me d it was the booster...tried to take the booster off...only to find that all 3 pivot points were seized !! took 2 hours ...but didnt cost anything ... but then I noticed that the 'upper control arm bushings' were Non-existent !....that was easy fix too . Got the tailgate window workin !! Now just to clean her...oy...that took 2 days on its own ! Ordered carpet the other day...and all the weatherstrip's ! then I go to the BIG 'car swap' on Friday and as soon as I walk 30feet in the door...POOF...there goes a bucket o cash !!! A mint set of old school 5 spokes with TA's on them in my bolt pattern !! Then a set of NOS park light lenses !!...then a mint taillight set ... bezels and all !! K...ive spent enough...lets go home and slap these wheels on !! WTH ???? my giddyness of finding these wheels...i never considered that they were 14"s.....oh oh...:banghead3: set of 1" wheel adapters and a whole lotta 'caliper grinding' later.. ...what shoulda taken about 45 minutes ...took 5 hours !!!!! (counting driving around to get crap) but...SHE's ALIVE !!! slapped the plates on her and drove her to the Insurance place !! the words of a Canadian rock group... ...."she aint pretty...she just looks that way" heres a before and after oh...and I almost bought this the other day...
To think that was SUPPOSED to be a parts car! I'm so glad it survived and is now thriving! Looking great. One question, though, what would a lonely Chevy do sitting in your yard? It would just cry to be taken away!
Gosh Rev, that's a great lookin parts car! I've still got those same wheels on my 39 Ford. When you finally scrap that ole Ford you will make a mint off those wheels!:banana: Sounds like you really did good at the swap meet. Now go get that rear engined whatchamacallit. It looks nice too. Those are rare.
thanx ..and ya...the g/f fell in love with it...and almost had me talked into it....then i came to my senses tanx Teo................. well...its a 1961 Lakewood....really decent shape...been sitting in a underground lot for 8 years and was last insured 13 years ago ! ...but i know nothing about them and dont want to learn yup...not bad for a parts car huh?... and Chevys close by just make my Fords rust.... no prob H...i got most from including NEW body mount kit.....window fuzzies from other thing from ...and one other from
Rev, I sure am glad you got that thing running. It looks great sitting on those 14 inch wheels. Parts car my foot! Now cruise the heck out of that thing and come down to the states so you cansay "hi" to me and Krash.
Lookin' good! My father had one of those, used it for business. Retired it @ over 200,000 miles. When HE retired.