Hi there from Fort Collins. Currently here looking for a good wagon and information on such. Have a 69 Roadrunner my Oldest son has taken over, and working on restoringa 67 Galaxie that has been in the family since new. In the meantime I am trying to find a good old wagon for some family fun with the two younger kiddos. Love Mopars, also wouldn't mind finding a 67 ford that matches my Galaxie, and also stumbled onto some pics of a 65 Colony park, love the look of it!! And of course a Vista Cruiser is on the list, first car I learned to drive was a 75 Cutlass. Justin
Welcome Justin. Sounds like you have an idea of what you are looking for. There are many to choose from in the brief list you mentioned. Good luck and be sure to keep us all informed as you search for the perfect family cruiser.