I found an excellent price on an NOS trim piece for my 67. It is from a reputable company, so you trust it's not misrepresented. It arrives the very next day! Oh excitement, that was wicked fast! And it looks like this: Guessing, based on discussion with the sellers, UPS stomped on it. That is a 45 degree angle on what should should be a straight piece. You can blame the seller for the lack of proper packaging or the shipper for smashing, it still comes down to a rare NOS piece, butchered. Someone, with more talent than me, might be able to fix it. But, for me, its going back. What a damn shame.
Damn, that sucks big time!. A long cardboard tube (like the inner of a carpet roll) would have been better. The beauty of hindsight.
I've done that to stainless when the buffer wheel caught it. It can be fixed as long as it isn't kinked too bad or torn. UPS means U-Package-Stomped. I had a side business that did a lot of shipping and they're the worse by far, I amazingly never had a problem with the USPS. Besides a heavy shipping tube the best thing for shipping trim is a 4" PVC pipe section with an an end cap on one end and a threaded clean-out out plug on the other. The other way is to tape or cellophane wrap it to a piece of wood 1 x 4 and then into a box with plenty of room around it for bubble wrap.
I've also used PVC pipe for parts like that. Looks like it came from Green Sales Company, based on the shipping label. They sale a lot of Ford NOS parts. You would think they'd know better.
Yes, true. It was wrapped in that blue/white "felt" you see behind the box, and then stuck in the box. With the ends of the box sealed, it seams solid. But it was obviously an illusion. As the center could be crushed. It shipped to me in only one day, via ground. Thought it was amazing when I got home and found it on the porch, next to some other NOS parts from another company (no issues with those parts sent USPS from California). Supposedly they have a second piece they are supposed to be sending me. Lets hope it arrives in better shape. "It can be fixed as long as it isn't kinked too bad or torn." You are right, it is really not badly bent. The round edges and such are not smashed flat. I hope they have it properly fixed. Might not even know it was bent. But again, I don't have that talent or wish to try, and then make it worse.
Been there a couple of times. I've saved some of the tubes sent to me just so that won't happen when I ship. Don't bend, don't stack, don't crush, fragile, just meaningless words any more. Shippers should know that the Samsonite Gorilla is alive and well at UPS.
Strangely the box does not look damaged. Glad you can get another without hassle. I don't remember ever getting a bad shipment with any shipper and we are in the boonies.
That's because machine can only read the bar codes on the shipping label. Human hands do not damage your package, except during pickup and delivery. They are delivered to a sorting facility where all the boxes are separated to their destination. They have high speed conveyors traveling at 60 mph that are 60" wide. If you have a long fragile package that goes around a curve and is impeded by another, everything behind it slams into that package. It's the biggest reason why long packages are always damaged. Even taping your part to a 1x2 board wouldn't protect it. We routinely hear about gunmakers having their Kentucky long rifles broken at the wrist because of this. Now, most guys make wooden boxes to ship them in and require a deposit which is refunded when it's returned.
I think you probably have it OldFox. To bend it, the way it showed up, they would have had to have one end propped up and stepped on it. That could have happened. But the way it was bent, it sounds exactly as you describe. Anyway, the seller refunded me the total amount. They sent me the second piece, that was still very nice for $10 less. Cleaned it up and it will go on the wagon (some day soon I hope). The second piece was sent in the same kind of box, but the item was wrapped inside with a 2x2 of wood. Made it unscathed. Yea. UPS delivered the original on May 4th. As of today, May 22, they have yet to pick up the original (even though they drive by here daily). They have description on their tracking page that they are investigating, as of May 5th. Maybe at the total amount of $55 (item plus shipping), it just isn't worth it to them to investigate and they just paid it to the seller. Seller told me to toss the original. I will hang onto it. Maybe someone can fix it someday. These are really rare for 67 wagons. I don't think they interchange with any other year, and I know they don't interchange with Galaxies.
I doubt they'll pick it up. I had to file a UPS claim on a Vega dashpad that they destroyed, last year. It was valued and insured for $150, of which they promptly sent me a check for the full amount. I will give them that, they were very prompt with their claims process. But, they never attempted to see the damaged part in person, nor picked it up after the fact.