I need a portion of a driver side quarter panel for my 1967 Ford Country Sedan. I have a line on a panel from a 1968 Ford Country Squire. I looked up my 65 to 72 Ford master parts catalog and found the quarter panel numbers for each. 1967 C7AZ-7127847-A 1968 C8AZ-7127847-A Not sure if that tells me anything about sameness or not. Anyway, does anyone know if the quarter panels are the same for a 1967 to a 1968? I would be getting it from about an inch below the gas tank filler, from door to tail. Thanks.
They do not appear to be the same. '67: '68: (This is the wrong side, but it still shows the difference) On the '67, notice on the side 'beauty line (as I call it), right below the 'Country Sedan nameplate - this line is basically level on whole length of the vehicle. On the '68, it has a slight rise in it, beginning at the rear door. It's more than just the positioning of the side molding, too. Here's a '68 Ranch Wagon, without the side molding on the Country Sedan:
Good eye. The "crease" definitely looks different. I looked at some pics of my 67 and it is definitely more straight. I have a line on a 68. He sent me pics, and I see it starts to rise on the back door. What I am wondering is if it would be the same below the 67 crease. I have rust out at the bottom, just in front of the bumper, and along the wheel well. I will go and look Monday at my 67. There is a definitive crease (bend) along the bottom of 68. Is there one on my 67 (that is hidden by the trim on the 67 pics)? Here was my 67 Ranch Wagon. Can see a bend at the bottom of this one.
the body lines are different....but the lower section could be the same? i dont have a 67 to compare to the my 68.....can you wait till i buy one>?
Wingedone, How much do you project to pay for the restoration of your 67? I too have a 67 in about the same shape as yours, maybe mines a little bit more banged up. Mine will require new interior, body work, engine rebuild, etc. I am on the fence of pulling the 390 and putting it in my 66 which will be a much easier restoration project. I think the 67s look way better, but it really comes down to money for me, cause I don't have any!! Thanks for any input. To answer your question, the QPs are not the same. There was a right side NOS QP for a 67 on Fleabay not too long ago. He wanted somewhere around 400+shipping for it.
Ford part numbers are pretty easy to read: 1967 C7AZ-7127847-A 1968 C8AZ-7127847-A C = 1960s 7 or 8 = 1967 or 1968 part, at least that is the first year used (in multiple-year applications) AZ = Tells what series the part is 7127847 = part number A = First revision So, these two parts, although they have the same application (quarter panel), they are not the same.
Well, I wish I would have waited to get your two input. Unfortunately, I contacted a seller I got through another person. He had a 68 donor car and after asking him (he said he thought they were the same) and looking at the pics (if we used the portion below the crease), I decided to purchase. Mistake again. The wheel wells don't line up and the wheel lip is different. Cannot be used. Seller offered me enough to ship it back so he could sell it again. :banghead3: Guess I will put it with other mistakes and try to sell it to someone that needs a 68 qp. Its not a bad qp, it just won't fit my car. So the search continues. Think I really went down the rathole with this car.
Is the QP on your 67 not repairable? I am going to part out my 67 but my QP look worse than yours, mine is dented near the bumper. I wish I could keep mine, but it is too much work for me, we have a 66 that is in much better shape that I will try and fix up. I like the 67 body lines alot better.
Mine is rusted around the wheel well lip, and at the back end of the quarter, near the corner to the rear of the car. Really, I just need the bottom portion, below the crease line, but trying to find anything....