Hello' I am new to this site , I own a 1963 Ford Country sedan 9 passenger . It took me about a year to find the one I wanted , but it was worth the wait . I take the wagon to as many cruise nights as I can and it always gets lots of attention . Someone always has an old station wagon story from when they where kids to share . It always amazes me how many people want to look at this old wagon instead of a $ 50.000 car that might be parked next to me . I love this site , John.
Hell yeah, period correct wheels and everystuff! Welcome to the site, beautiful Wagon! Got any more pics to share?
Imagine the book you could publish? "My car, the book - Car stories people told me" Welcome John. Good to have you here.
Welcome! That's so true, if we all had a nickel for every time all of us has heard, "Oh, when I was a kid we had a wagon just like that" We'd be very rich people. Beautiful car! Love it!
one more picture Hello again , I found one more pic to post . This is at the Dog-n-suds cruise night in Ingleside IL . A very fun cruise ! I also wanted to add I own the last Ford station wagon made , the 2007 Focus . Nothing else has been officialy called a station wagon since . Enjoy , John.
still more pictures Hi Guys , I posted a lot more pictures , just look in my images . Enjoy, Thank you , John