Quick and easy for the guru's out there...I sprung a leak on my p/s muffler a few weeks ago, and had to bite the bullet and put a new muffler on the beast. The beast being a 1994 Roadmaster. How bad is it on the engine to have two substantially different mufflers?? I know silly question, but to be honest I've never owned a vehicle with dual exhaust...in my mind I would think bad. If you stand on the P/S you can really hear the exhaust while the D/S it's pretty much whisper quiet. I'm sure there's no other leaks as sealing my hand over the exhuast on either side is damn near impossible. Biggest reason I'm asking is because since doing the muffler and about a week after she initially sprung the leak, the engine seems to have a deffinate lag and almost a miss to it....I've just changed the plugs and am about to embark on changing wires...unless I'm barking up the wrong tree.... Thanx so much, Dan
You can't really go by sound, you have to go by flow. I did the same with my other car a couple of years ago. Different muff, but about the same flow(so I was told). Didn't have any problems. Saved up then I went and changed out the other one.