Greetings All, I am the proud owner of a 2002 Taurus SE wagon. Ordered it and bought it new from a local Ford dealer here in Alabama. Built at the Atlanta, GA. Ford plant. At 290000 miles it's still a great driver. I've always maintained it and kept the oil and fluids changed. I know it's only a 'shadow' of what the wagons of the 50's thru the 70's were in size, but it has always been a faithful steed. I would NEVER buy an SUV to replace it.
Welcome from the pacific northwest! Bet you and your car could tell some story's about those 290k miles!
Thanks Wagonrodder! Yes, it always got us there and back without an issue. Arizona, Ohio, Southeast, and Florida, numerous times. Wish Ford still made a 'real' station wagon. Whenever I pull up to the Ford dealership to buy something from the parts department, at least one salesman comes out and tries to sell me a new car. I just say, "Sure, show me your new station wagon models, and not your SUV's". Then they walk away.
Well, ...after a bit of a pause visiting my elderly parents in Florida, I'm home and finally posting the wagon photos. At 21 years it's still a great runner. AC stopped running about 2 years ago and I just haven't bothered to have it checked. I'm betting it's just freon but my 'copilot' never lets me drive without the windows down anyway!
Yes, when I'm not hauling something that is HER space or she is standing in the passenger seat with her head out the window. Notice the 'walkway' between the rear area and the center arm rest.