Got the preliminary alignment complete and took it out for a spin. Felt good. Now to get the rack off and paint the top.
Okay, it's been another 2 months. I've been driving both around a while, no long trips yet. The green Amazon just cranks right up and purrs like a kitten, Slight vibration in the driveshaft on the Duet, I knew at the time I should have it balanced. Too late now, what's a couple of hours and a trip to the driveshaft shop. But it runs and drives great. Anyway the roof is painted and the rack is on, only the wood panels for the back need to be made. But I plan on making those later. Still a few small items to get finished. Interior dome lights, re-center the steering wheel and the like.
Ok, I'm still alive, just driving not posting. Got the drive shaft sorted out. Turns out the new center bearing I installed had a slight bit of slop. Removed it and put the 50 yr old bearing from the parts car in and all seems good now. I've always figured to fix everything there when you take something apart, but I'm beginning to believe that some of the new products aren't as good as the old ones that are in the car. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Still lots of little things to finish up, but it's way more fun driving. Need to put my 1800e up and on stands and do some maintenance on it. Like I said I'm a Volvo addict.
Well I'm still working slowly, it's nice having a driving project. Took it on a out of town trip to a show in Bellville TX last month. About a 200 mile round trip. Ran fine until the fuel pump rebuild kit decided to blow a valve and had to limp back home. But I made it under it's own power. Found a better set of valves and am back on the road. Started working on the paneling for the interior. I'll get some photos when there is more to show. Also got the 1800 back on the road too, so now I need to get back on the Green wagon and finish going through it.
What's that saying? "Two steps forward, one step back." Good to see good progress (and limping home with that pump problem).
Still working on the Duett. The wood interior is in and working on the back seat. I’ve paid homage to the woodies.
So I was on FB yesterday, and ran across a Volvo corporate page, that they showed using a pair of restored older wagons (possibly Duets, but the pics weren't all that detailed), so I told them to look on here for your two Volvos.
Just what I need "corporate involvement". Haha. Going to the Blanco next week for R&R but couldn't talk the wife into taking either wagon.