Talk about an obscure car in an even more obscure "special" edition. 1975 AMC Cassini Matador - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle... (
The Vinyl just looks so out of place on that roof line. I guess I should be greatfull that fake convertible tops were not in fashion yet when the last of this model came off the production line! The Carpeting color choice is odd to my eyes also, but could it be said that in this case the Carpet matched the Drapes?
This one has opening rear windows - an option on these.... This is so 70's man - I love it! Could you imagine if AMC were around today doing these designer editions? They'd probably be hot with a lot of people designer-conscious these days.
Double whammy of what? This is a '78 brochure cover. What does that have to do with a '74 Cassini Matador? I don't get it.
Who needs a fruity Cassini, when the Xs, like the one pictured to the right of the Pacer wagon (the double whammy explained), were available? Would you let yourself get seen in a Cassini? I certainly wouldn't. The interiors were cool. But the Xs were more fitting for men to drive. That Cassini looks like something some soya bean wiener-eating young "man" would borrow from "his" mom
I go by this rule of thumb: Don't drive anything of which you wouldn't want to be seen in at highschool. This particular Matador was assembled when I was a senior in highschool. So, I doubt that anyone is going to throw iceballs at it now. As Jeff previously posted, the vinyl top does seem awkward on this. I can envision owning one of these, if the vinyl top (convertible maker) gets peeled off and the Oleg Cassini badge with curvy side molding get removed. The wheel covers look good. It doesen't always have to be sport wheels. So, they can stay on there. Why fashion designers like Bill Blass and Oleg Cassini get contracts for doing cars is beyond me. They should rather stay busy drawing women's clothes and decorating home interiors instead. Speaking of that, I like those sofa seats and orange carpet. As long as this combination can't get seen from without the vehicle, I don't have any issues against this. What might keep the bids down a little are the missing engine compartment and trunk photos. White paint isn't hiding the rust on this, not that it should be a major problem. But especially because it hasn't been dealt with, it's important that one gets a peek at the trunk's bottom pan. This following one would be tempting to bid on, if it were to be upped for sale :
I drove a blue one in high school (this isn't it, but similar, not an x) . Highlight memory is driving into large puddle at local post office. water came in and filled up foot wells. Had to drive to a girl friend to let water drain thru floorboard rust and for carpet to dry out using hair dryer and extension cord, so parents never knew it happened.
High School? Man, at 52 I can't even remember high school. Heck at 25, I didn't even remember high school...I sure as hell wouldn't let that dictate what I drove then, let alone now. But then I wasn't getting iceballs thrown at me either.
I was high in highschool Despite that, I still remember pretty much everything, except most of what I've learned there. When you can't remember even being there, that's pretty bad. The unfortunate part about living in New Mexico is that you've never got to learn how to create the iceballs of which we Michigeese learned to do as small kids. Our winters provided the temperatures needed for freezing the snowballs of which we soaked in ordinary tap water beforehand and then left them outdoors overnight. There was this long-haired kid who used to show up at highschool with his parent's Monte Carlo. It only had some smallblock 307 or something. A smogged-out 350, maybe. But nothing more. If ever there was a candidate for iceballing, well there you have it. He was a nice guy and kept low-key. So, he got left alone
I didn't grow up in New Mexico. I grew up somewhere just as cold as Michigan. It was pretty devious if you threw ice balls at someone - you had to really hate that person because those could do some damage, both to life and property. Sorry everyone, we've seemed to hijack this thread. I won't comment anymore on this thread.