Anyone going to Gulfport Mississippi next month for Cruising the Coast?
Well hurricane Delta is gonna hit Friday in New Orleans. Too close to Gulfport for me. Maybe next year. Too bad.
Weather held out, only rain was Friday overnight but gone by Saturday at sunrise. It went far enough west we had minimal effects with gusty winds around 40 mph. Just got back Sunday evening after a week of cruising.
My dad and I go every year since it started, I take my vacation and go and my youngest daughter has been coming since she was 5 years old with us Thursday to Sunday because of school. She turned 19 this year at Cruisin ' the Coast and this was the first year she got to come all week. She just started college and was able to do on line classes in the mornings and cruise all day with me. She also got her very own car that I brought up there on my trailer because I didn't get to do paperwork on it until today due to work and leaving for vacation. She got it the Sunday before Cruisin ' the Coast. She has had her eye on these since she was 12. Always asking me about them when we would see one. Every year we only see 3 or 4 there out of the 7,000 or 8,000 cars there. Not my cup of tea but I appreciate her not wanting the normal cars that me and my dad mess with and it really fits her free spirit, Artist personality. Took a picture of it in the parking lot of the hotel with my dad's car and mine. Also a picture of when I brought it home and after a little tlc to take it with us.
Sorry I missed it. I was READY!. Hopefully next year the weather will be better. On a side note, I was supposed to leave Thursday...that night the fan rely in my home A/C shorted out. It filled the house with the smell of burning plastic and light haze. The fire department came and could not locate the cause. Had I left, my wife would have panicked. So, I guess not going was a blessing in disguise.