Me too. FOMOCO had some interesting color combinations back then and IMO some have aged well and some haven't. Liked this combo then and now. Could do withhout the "a/c needs charging" baloney but everything considered this looks like an opportunity to get a good car for not crazy money.
These cars were everywhere 20-25 years ago and I liked them then, and I like them now. Good color combo that isn't out of place anywhere. I haven't seen one in a decade or more. But yeah, I could do without "AC needs charge" because let's just call it what it is: AC not working. Sealed systems don't need periodic charging unless they LEAK.
But soon after the design went to that Square Fairmont inspired design, that in my opinion looked bad. Improved again with the Bill Elliot Coors Thunderbird years.
I certainly liked the Navy and Chamois colors together vs. the black and chamois. Small difference, but I thought the metallic color was so much more stately.
Beautiful car. Bosley (David Doyle) from Charlie's Angels is looking down in envy from somewhere (good, we hope). But his T-Bird from this era was always green.