Hanswurst von Plumpskloh = Poison_Ivy Anyone notice the similarities? Both purport to be from Germany. Both often end their replies with, Sir. Both post a plethora of pictures, often of arcane European vehicle content. Hans was a frequent poster who disappeared. Ivy emerges and takes up where he left off. HMMMMMMM!!!!! Strange coincidences.
Hanswurst was the former chacellor of Germany who recently passed away. The chancellor suffered Alzheimers, causing him to forget he had an account here. As soon as someone reminded him that he had one here, he decided to look in. Because, he hadn't checked into the e-mail service used for forum notification within 6 months, they terminated his account. So, he couldn't use the forum "forgot password" option through his e-mail service. Then what happened was that all passwords he could think of to get back into here didn't work. So, he appointed the guitar player of one of his favorite bands to take over and she appointed me, through telepathy, to ghost write in her name. So, you see, I'm only the messenger, Sir.
As the comedian on Laugh In used to say............................."and that's the truth." Altho there is a slight similarity if the wig is removed. Test tube babies with crack using daddys is not always easy when cake walking is involved. Possibly the serveilance cameras outside the restrooms at the local German Target store will identify the gender of the suspect. Then again Target is a gender free zone many places.
I had to walk all the way to Mac Arthur Park to rescue that poor innocent cake which some unknown pervert left out in the rain, Sir: