New guy here I have a 83 regal wagon stock but have plans for it in the future like olds 350 w/2004R have almost everything for it just need to find time to put it together And a I few other cars 83 regal my first car been threw a lot of changes over the last 22 years but it has BBC 468 th400 trans GN rear end 86 regal project car for the daughter 84 4dr lesabre stock
Welcome aboard. Sounds like you are a fan of the 80s Buicks. All neat cars. Once you get going on your wagon you should start a build thread.
Welcome! I had an '83 Bonneville Model G, so know these pretty well. Good cars, and looking forward to seeing what you do with it! Oh, and hey it's how back do I roll this window down???
Welcome indeed. Hey mike, you got rid of the Buick wagon you had? Didn’t you have one you made those speaker cut outs for? Let’s see some pics of those cars
My 83 regal of 22 years My 83 regal wagon when it was delivered to me from Compton California Wife's 84 lesabre Daughters 86 regal project
Well it took the wife 21 years to get her four-door LeSabre she's wanted one since she was 16 so I surprised it with her this year our daughter will be 10 she's got her project car she's already picked out the color she's going to go with a Rosewood with blacked-out trim going to build Olds 350 for it 200 4r trans and if I can find an 8.5 rear end. I have most the parts for the wagon and daughters 86 just have to find time to put them together
Hey, welcome aboard! I see you found your way over here. Nice cars in your stable. The Olds 350/ 200-4R should motivate it nicely.