Today decided the heck with everything - I am tackling the door rust and some of the wheel well arch's on the Colony Park, just start grinding; sanding and using KBS Klean and then Rust blast. Painting with Rust seal is tomorrow, I hope Please try not telling me that the rust needs to be cut out and new metal welded in - I know that but I not going to spend that kind of money right now, so I'm band aiding for now, Tools: Dremel with a ton of brushes and sanding disks - they don't last long but kind of cheap 4/5 bucks - went thru $50 worth of them Power drill with wire brush, and a sanding disk Just plain sand paper, 80; 120 and 220 grit - didn't use the 220 KBS 3 step system. pictures: will take pics before and after KBS rust seal paint Pass door bondo bondo gone eee gads a hole Pass rear door pass front door Drivers door Drivers rear door
Well almost all done, treated with cleaner, rust blast and then painted with KBS silver Rust Seal. The KBS silver Rust Seal paint is a very close match to the 32 year old Mercury silver 1E color. Paint flows to an almost "sprayed" on finish - used the brush that came in the kit - a very cheap brush - 1 of the 99 cent brushes that you can get. The places were the metal has been eaten away - I will probably just fill and respray with original color, not going to be perfect but should slow the process and won't look as ugly as the rust. Overall I'm ok with it didn't spend a lot of time or money. Pictures: unpainted - is what the doors look like the day after rust blast was applied. Painted - didn't sand or touch up anything - that's later