This is understandable and another reason for putting "Canadian" in the title so not to have folks think I was jumping the gun in wishing our neighbours a happy Thanksgiving.
ModelT1 that was a sweet story, you little cutie you. I could just envision you and Dolly sipping soda and enjoying a few tunes while truly visiting Memory Lane. Do you folks not have A&Ws any more? We still have them here, the entire bear family burgers, onion rings, frosty mugs and of course rootbeer.
There must be someone close to you who would love to share a rootbeer? I feel sad for you. Are you close to Illinois? When ModelT1 moves and I come over to help them paint, you could bring your mugs and we could all sit outside and look down Memory Lane together.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaw, maybe we could have a station wagon party and everyone bring their own A&W rootbeer mugs. I'll get our grand daughter to buy the rootbeer. Yes we do still have the official A&W rootbeer stands. Most are a combination with a fast food place now but have the A&W products. Our old A&W back home was always known as Cranwill's A&W so when Mr Cranwill stopped being a member of the A&W franchise they just got rid of everything that was A&W and kept the basic diner like it was for over 50 years. Sadly Mr Cranwill passed away this summer. But the kids and family who have always been a part of the operation are keeping the family tradition.............. (Things most really don't want to know but learned.) I am not a cutie but Illinois is about half as far from Silvertwinkiehobo as we are now in Floriduu so he can almost walk there. Once he gets over the mountains it's all down hill. .
Only if Deb gives him permission and he can bring the dogs. We'll have to borrow a BBQ grille from our son in laws dad. He has several very large ones and a big pop corn popper. A city block away is a large VFW with a very large paved parking lot for over flow station wagon parking and two neighbors have 4-wheelers to transport people to the house.
Sounds like a plan forming here, hubby had the atlas out. It would be about a three day drive from here then three days back. It really could be doable. Wouldn't it be fun? If there is enough we could have the whole house painted in a couple of days. Then we could circle the wagons.
Obviously, you've never traversed Montana and the Dakotas...miles and miles of miles and miles. But I wouldn't mind coming out to Illinois again (I was there back in '89), since Dad was born in Aurora. I'd just bring the Exploder, as it has a long(ish) roof also. I've always been the odd man out. And Fannie, I have all my family within twenty miles of me, but I was referring to a woman I could share a rootbeer with, in a romantic vein.
We do Thanksgiving in the USA, too. It'll be Thursday 11/26. I'm thankful that I don't have to work on Thursday or (black) Friday!
I just checked. I don't have to work Thursday or Friday either. Got invited to a friends to eat dead turkey this Thursday. I'm thankful I have one friend---------- with a wife that can cook! But he's a NY'er. They'll make friends with anyone.