So a couple weeks ago while at work I saw a beautiful Colony Park parked in my parking lot. Turns out its owned by a really nice young couple and he's actually been a lurker on the Forum. Recommended they join, of course! It was awesome to not only see a wagon but to also see being cared for. Things for us are going great! She and I both work at the same place. She works at 2am, which sucks because I work day side. I work several positions at my job; cart attendant, brand attendant (janitor), sales floor, backup cashier, and I'm the store's bike builder/mechanic. We are not only paying for a 3 bedroom apartment in Chicago but paying off our debts slowly but surely. The roof is getting a much needed overhaul and the plumbing is getting fixed. We no longer have roommates. Too much drama! And we just adopted a new kitten from a coworker. Still no internet. Not a priority. A friend gave us their old laptop so I'm writing again. I've mostly been working on short stories since they're easier to work on in between everything else that's going on. We found out everyone used our old, dead laptop, even the ones that had their own. Whatever, we are gonna buy an adaptor to connect up the old drive and get our stuff off of it. I've been meaning to get on here but I've been super busy for awhile. On that note I've also been wanting to say hi to my friends that I've been neglecting. I'm sorry for that. There is one particular forum member I haven't heard from since I believe July. You're PM inbox is full. I emailed several times but no answer. Hope you're doing great! On that note I hope everyone is doing great with happy wagons enjoying still clean roads! Happy Halloween Station Wagon Forums! -X
Well must be Halloween, the spooks and goblins are checking in! Hi X. Nice to know you are still doing well and staying out of trouble. We're still in Florida even though we bought a small home back in..........................ILLINOIZZ. I keep wondering if there's room in that state of confusion for both of us.
Thanks for the up date. Really great hear from you. So what does the new fur baby look like. I'm not sure it was a trick or a treat but I found this this is the ditch by our house Halloween eve... She seems to be about 6-8weeks old. Very friendly, healthy and likes the dog. I believe she was dropped off. We think she spend at least two days in the bushes, turns out mom and daughter also heard her meowing. We had a rain storm Thursday. When I got back from walking the dog I thought I heard a cat but I wasn't sure because of the wind. Friday evening when I got back from walking the dog I definitely heard a cat and went looking. She came out of the shadows when I pss pssed her and now we have another mouth to feed. So good to hear from you X.
Cat, that's the wonderful thing about the state of confusion. There's always room for both because its just that confusing. And yes, Halloween always beings me out of the woodwork. Its the best time to air out my coffin. Thank you, all! Been really missing being on here but work and taking care of the building has been priority for some time now. As it is, however, I'm on my first paid vacation ever. I held it off for a few months so that it could coincide with Z's birthday! She's only able to take 3 days off but it's a welcome thing. Time together always is! I've expanded my collection of station wagons. I've got 7 1970 Chevelles, a 57 Nomad, 3 196? Pontiacs, and just yesterday bought 3 1971 Plymouth Satellites. Painted one of them green of course, even though its the wrong year...and the wrong shade but its close. Fannie, your little one is so cute! Good on you for saving her! Have you picked a name yet? Our newest,named Kolya, is black, short haired, and adorable! He's brought a little youth back to his adoptive brothers and they've been enjoying running the length of the house and when the weather is clement enough we keep a window open to "The Walk". Its a space located on the second floor between our building and the one connected to it. There's a space of about 7' that was open so I put in mesh fencing and clear plastic sheeting for the roof so we can watch storms and be dry. I'd post pics but my old phone isn't friendly with uploading so the next time we take the computer out I'll post some then.
Xavier glad you, Zoe, and the family get to have a vacation together. I wish Dollie and I'd ever get time for a vacation. On retirement they never figured in vacation time! We were back near Peoria for a few weeks last of September. Had a great time with the family and few friends that are still left. Even got to see our house. It's finally empty again. Daughter and family moved into their new home. It was even nice to see their two dogs living in the little house. That place had never had kids or animals in it before. Now it'll be more like a home. Get the snow shovel ready! PS No CAT's here...........................Model T 1
Hi X we named her Eve. She has brown eyes, I've never seen a cat with brown eyes. Where did you get your new kitten?