For the ol' Motorheads/Shadetree/Backyard mechanics in here such as myself. I myself resembled this back when the Grandkids was infants!
Yes it got a big smile. Reminds me of after we adopted our grandson. That would be our third son now. I was working on the 1955 Chevy in our drive way. Wife wanted to go shopping with a GF and leave the small baby with me. I was right in the middle of a job putting a heater or something in the firewall. Parts all over and car outside. I grabbed a quilted moving blanket, tossed...placed the kid in the back of the wagon and went back to work. This was Steven's beginning as a shade tree mechanic. He ended up holding a few small nuts while I threaded the bolts from the outside. Today I could have gone to jail for endangering a baby by handing him small parts and a wrench. All of that junk wasn't in the wagon at the time. It made a nice playpen. I miss my neighbor's with the rock band practicing in the bus in the middle of the nite!
>>> ====================== GOOD JOB.......... ====================== ====================== Ain't that the truth!!!:confused:
I Googled that and didn't see where storing babies in the intake valley helped make them any better. In fact the few cases documented showed they were more likely to be lazy and not want to work. And most drove a grey Prius four door sedan.