Fannie, no need to be sorry. I can't tell you how much it means to have others who understand just how close and important they can be to us. With Emma we were the fortunate ones. Yes out 3 boys are the sons of Emma. I wish I could post pics of the little casket we made for her. Emma loved sleeping in drawers so we took a drawer,lined it with bubble wrap, and painted it as close to TARDIS blue as we. For the lid I took a shelf board that she curled up on and did the same. TARDIS blue because like the TARDIS she was bigger on the inside. We put in with her before sealing the casket the clothes we were wearing when she died. Thank you all again. It means a lot to us! It has been hard but the boys have really helped out a lot! I'm sorry I'm not on here much and that I never post. Right now I don't have the time with everything going on here. Not having internet or a computer doesn't help. Soon, though. Thank you! Keys
Good to hear from you again X even though it's on a sad thread. Glad you are keeping busy and warmer weather is just ahead. Eventually we will be living back in Illinois. But not real soon it seems. We love it down here so we are not in a hurry. Good luck and post when you can.