I have all ways had MO-than enough-ROOM and a proud member of "Dog Club Wagons",,,,, Dog Club Wagons have MO ROOM! Just ask my friends.........
Well it looks like a good thread to show off our tailgates. Or in Tedy's case, tails! Originally Posted by MartyO I like that^^^ but I meant are you a member of "Club Wagon" - it sounds like a night club. LOL I lead a small town sheltered life. What is this NIGHT CLUB you speak of?
Well, no wonder my wife never let's me go! By the way, I don't see any future wives of my dreams in that SPEAK EASY picture. Those are the kind that lead men to drinking.
No Cat, these are....... I just posted #1675... Viewer discretion is strongly advised http://www.stationwagonforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1810&page=168
In down town Ogden, this is 25th st. (where we used to have our shop) there are tunnels under the street that go for blocks and blocks. Under the local bar called Brewskis there is a large room towards the front of the building, sitting on the dusty tables are bottles and glasses and even poker chips that look as if the people suddenly got up from where they were sitting and never went back. It's kinda spooky and creepy but so cool. The tunnels were built during prohibition and rumor has it that Al Capone once stopped here and used them.
This sounds like the tunnels in MooseJaw, Saskatchewan that my sister is planning to take me to when I visit...maybe they go all the way to you...or vice versa. Yes I'm a member...