I bought these for this holiday season http://www.ebay.ca/itm/National-Lam...024?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item3f1f016238
You have special Christmas drinking mugs? :confused: I did not know that you should have a mug for this occasion I've been using a joe-stock glass for my eggnog'ing.
My favorite line from Christmas Vacation: Eddy, "yeah that there is an RV Clark, don't get too attached to it cuz we're taking it with us when we leave here next month" Clark, chokes and shoots eggnog out of his nose. (drinking from his moose mug).
As Eddy would say " Clark that's one of them thar High faluttin red solo cups like at the Country Club. I need some of them for the RV."
I finally got to the liquor store and picked up the ingredients for my nog. So after a busy day picking up a few last gifts, a couple of things at the grocery store, wraping gifts and walking my puppy, I'm ready for a relaxing beverage, hubby had he's favorate, Canadian Club and I had a little rum and nog with a dusting of cinnamon in my favorite glass.
Ah HA ! By Jove Dollie's been looking all over for her second Santa tray! She must have sent it up your way last year with Christmas cookies.