no kidding?? the only time i ever get pulled over anymore is because i have a hanit of putting the plate for the year of the car on them....ex...a 1963 plate on the 63 Squire....oops..'thats illegal'..that cost me 50 bux a couple of years ago as for the 'profiling' 50 sumthin...and have hair 1/2 to my butt..earrings.......tell me about it clean as a newfallen snow...and a Rev'd think that the police only watch repeats of Starsky and Hutch...everytime i hit the border in my Lowrider...they treat me like im HUGGY BEAR...
I had heard some states allowed year of manufacture plates on antique cars. Alas, that isn't the case here in Rhode Island. I bought old plates for my 66 Satellite to put on when I go to a cruise or a show but I can't have them on all the time. I need to get 59 plates for my Edsel and 72 plates for my Country Sedan. I might lobby my dmv to get the rule changed so old plates are allowed. Not sure how to go about that though.
How about Occupy Providence. Have a bunch of old cars surround the capital building with old plates on them and refuse to leave until the plates are legal.
Thanks, Dewey. I'll remember that the next time I am out there. Profiling is... We have a police academy here in Joplin. There is only 2 requirements to get in. 1. You have to be "Urban Redneck: or the son of one. 2. You have to be male. You think I'm kidding. I'm not. The entire decade I have lived in Joplin there have only been one hand's count worth of women cops and they were transfers from somewhere else. So was the only non-white cop. He was from Vermont temporarily, and he was glad to see me. Really! We ended up talking in front of my apartment building for about 20 minutes or so, and he told me that I reminded him of home. Back in Vermont he could slip into his Goth clothes and go out on the town with his wife after work but not here. He would lose his job. Really cool guy. I wish I could remember his name. Point is is that profiling is part of the graduating requirements. [Quote A noted two-time felon and Former-Feral "Ramona the Pest" is now sought by police as a suspect
They recently changed the YOM (year-of-manufacture) plates law in Texas to only apply to Antique registration. That means, no safety inspection, can't drive it for business or to/from work (commuting), and reduced plate fees. Well, before 9/1/2011, you could do the same with YOM using Classic registration. Vehicle must be over 24 years old, has to do safety inspection, can drive anywhere anytime. I got lucky with my plates, they were technically '82 plates but from '75 to '84 Texas used the same plate (black letters, white background) and had annual stickers. So I found "AMY 107" plates and my wife's name is Amy so you know I had to do it. I like the Tennessee law. Just throw it on and keep the legal plate handy. I like that much better than the Texas one. I gather it means if I found other cool plates (initals ADM, or FRD standing for Ford) I could swap those on at my leisure provided they are not currently registered to something else.
Florida 1955 License plate. Legal and registered since moving here and buying it in 1995 at a swap meet. Renew modern sticker each year and put it over last years. Only problems I ever had was a county cop had the same number and kept running the tollbooths. After the 42 his car had a star. Took years to get it straightened out. Even the toll plaza photos of both cars were different, of course, and they still didn't believe me till I kept after them. That painting with the little red wagon used to say Red Baron. I sold the station wagon and the guy had it pinstripped and Red Baron is what he called it. I changed it the best I could to Lil Red Wagon.
Here in IL I run 67 plates on my wife's Firebird, 80 plates on my Camaro, and my wagon will have 74 plates. They pull me over and I produce my current plates, and a copy of the law. They all say "We have never heard of that law" But, they can't do anything because it is the law
That's no fun. Having them contemplate pulling you over for registration that's been expired for 24 years is entertaining. If I get hassled too much and it gets old, I'll poke the antique plate in the rear window but until then...
I just figured I would throw in a few pics of my car taken while ficing the head light. Man are these cars common... Those last 2 were taken months apart.
We had a customer with a 01 Beetle in one night with a headlight out, about 45 minutes went by the guy comes back in sweaty and frustrated "I can't get my old headlight out!!" I go outside and he has half of one side of the cars left fender dissassmebled, I reach down and pull a plastic tab up just inside the hood an pull the whole assembly out with one hand. I seriously thought that guy was going to punch me.
When I had to replace the first headlight it took me awhile to get it because of the cramped space and because I didn't think to take the whole assembly off at first. Once I did it was easy 2 bolts, wiggle it a bit, and it was out. That easy... Except that the bulb is held on with a weird metal wire clip that is held on with 2 screws. As I was undoing the first screw, and without any warning, the wire clip flew off and disappeared never to be seen again. So I grabbed my handy dandy pliers and a metal coat hanger and I made a new clip. Still holds tight. The headlight assembly is ungodly high priced. In order to replace both of my low beam headlight assemblies and the bulbs (to a higher quality bulb) would cost over $300 and I haven't looked into the cost of replacing the high beams. It is all pretty easy to understand if you just give it a second and think about it with even the most basic knowledge... but I have always been really good with machines.
That is a 9003 or H4 bulb you pulled out, if you look closely that little wire clip has a little hook latch on one side. You push down on the little loop just above it and pull down slightly to release it from the hook and the wire comes up on a pivot and won't go flying off into no mans land. It takes a few times of loosing that little guy to discover this neat trick. Nice replacement rig though! :2_thumbs_up_-_anima