If that were the case, the breaker bar would have been able to turn the crank anyway. But... pulling the starter is easy. I would check it out.
Hey - it's the Albany guy! I was hoping for an easy fix...but don't think it's going to happen. Are you going to the auction in Salem on the 4th?
I hardly doubt a late model starter gear would hang up on the flywheel. But that brings back another story. A friend once told me Model A starters sometimes hang up on the flywheel because of the straighter gear teeth. Happened to meet a guy who had just had Ford garage rebuild his engine. After driving it a few times engine was locked up. He offered the 1929 Model A two-door for $250. Gave him the money, got title, we rocked it back and forth in high gear to break the starter gear loose, started it and drove home. So, did ya ever get that 440 to turn over ?
Don't know about any auction. No money and need to replace the door seals this weekend. What is being sold? Cars I assume? Is it at the fairgrounds?
Hello.... no luck on turning motor over... I sold the car yesterday to a guy in Portland who is going to fix it all up and use it for his upholstery biz. I made him promise me he had to tell me what he found in the engine!
Yeah, it's the Peterson Classic car auction, with some newer ones sprinkled in. It is at the faigrounds... cheap entertainment for $5 to get in ! There is a gorgeous '78 Caddy Eldo coming through.... I know I'm a Mopar guy, but.....
Keep us posted on that, long. If he doesn't get back to you keep bugging him....inquiring minds want to know!
If you can turn the motor a bit then it is not "frozen" or "siezed". You have bad bearings. My guess is the mains are spun. A loose bearing half can overlap the other and really bind things up. There is an off chance of breakage in the lower end or a busted timing cain getting jammed. You'd likely hear rattles if this were the case, even turning by hand. If you have K in the fifth position of your VIN you have a very desireable 375 hp engine, even broken. If so advertise as such and it will sell fast.
Stuck 440 update! The guy who bought it already started digging in.... so far, there are: 2 bent push rods, 2 exhaust valves burned off, the other exhaust valves were seized in the guides, and a cracked intake manifold! And who knows what's in the lower end. I feel bad for the guy getting this, but we all know the gamble - I gambled & lost too. But he should be able to get a used engine & drop it in.... Thanks for everyone's input. I'm off to look at another wagon... Wagon ho!