I have no moon roof or a sun roof either. I do enjoy, on those perfect brisk winter days, driving with the windows down and the heat cranked up. It's like the best of summer in the heart of winter all at once.
I know this is a station wagon forum and I can't speak for everyone, but I believe the general consensus around here is that we love ALL motor vehicles.....Longroofs Rule! But All The Rest Are Cool!
Stewiacke, Nova Scotia Weekend Weather Forecast - The Weather Network We are expecting -39 over and through Saturday. We are planning to stay home and not tempt fate this weekend.
https://www.wmur.com/article/mount-washington-new-hampshire-weather-2323/42762768?mibextid=Zxz2cZ The top of Mount Washington.
Friendship NY. 4 am -15 degrees. For all those that are in the grip of the freeze Meister, lets stay home, grab a bottle of your favorite hooch and think about warmer days driving your longroof!
It's -32* C, -30*F here right now, thankfully I only need to do grocery shopping. I wouldn't want to be at work today, we have a hole knocked in a wall in order to remove an old 800 ton press on monday and tarps don't keep the cold out. I haven't seen wind chill like that since I was in the military and posted way up North.