You would be the longest car at the grocery store with this on.
When I was a Kid seeing one of those always amazed me! Seeing the actual B pillar between the doors of this model made my mothers 72 Caprice 4-Door HT seem so small!
76 Estate Wagon is what i learned to drive in in 1980. The same car we were on vacation to Colorado from Indiana, my mom was driving thru Kansas or Nebraska, everyone was asleep, my grandma woke up and asked my mom aren't you going a little fast. ? My mom was going 105 mph. My dad looked over and said, "you might want to ease up a bit"
The good news is at 105 mph in that car it couldn’t have been too long before she needed to stop for gas.
It would be better with leather. The seat color and the door panel color just don't seem to match that great.
before that my dad had a 68 imperial. he said he would get 12 mpg going 70 mph, 55 mph, in town and probably pulling an airstream. always the same mpg no matter what was going on .